Frequently asked questions

Have Questions? We have answers. Here you will find Frequently Asked questions pertaining to custom product from The Wood Shop for all other inquiries please visit out contact page and we will be certain to answer all questions as quickly as possible.

What is the process for ordering a Custom Wood Steel Knife?  

We have two options: Custom Production and Full-Blown Custom.

If you are interested in just making a few slight modifications to our production knives click here.

If you want a full-blown custom WSK knife you will want to begin the process by contacting us here. This custom process is extremely “hands-on” and therefore we want to make sure that you are apart of each step of the Journey.


What Can I expect to pay for a Wood Steel Knife?

Our knives begin around the $200 range but can reach well over $1000 depending upon materials used.

What are your fees for customizations? Fees vary depending upon what type of customization you choose. For small modifications to existing models, we ask for a $75 down payment. As for complete custom product, we are more than happy to quote you a price.

What models are available for slight customization?

Click here to see an updated list of models eligible.

How long is your waiting list?

We find that this continues to be a moving target and we find that is always best to coordinate with the customer at time of order/deposit. We will have a much better idea of our current production schedule when we begin the process. It is our mission to exceed the needs of our customers and this includes lead times.

What types of Steel do you currently offer?

  • AEB-L Originally used in the production of Razor blades. For more information on AEB-L and to see if this is the right Steel for your knife, click here.
  • O1 Tool Steel. For more information on 01; click here for more details.